Lisa Ante Pangan
The way of stopping time and focusing on my painting helps me to understand my inner and outer world from my perspectives.
I am a visual artist and IVF nurse living in Vienna, Austria. As a self-taught artist in visual arts, I started painting with Gouache in 2019. During the worldwide pandemic, I focused on personal questions about my heritage and identity. I needed to express my emotions and thoughts through my paintings and created my own personal safe space – ready to share with who simply connects to my colorful artworks.
„My paintings don’t need to be loud to be seen.“
My artwork is influenced by my journey finding answers about my identity. My parents both moved to Austria in the 70s and were living in the Philippine Diaspora since then. Born in Vienna and living here doesn’t automatically mean to be from here, to see myself as an Austrian or European. But I also never felt being a „real“ Filipina.
My journey in search for answers has not ended yet. But my colorful paintings show the variety of being influenced by different cultures. Being culturally diverse doesn’t mean something is missing, it means you’ve gained something more. My artwork is simply about it.
I realize that I can also connect with people through my artwork. Art is an universal language. A Kapwa language that lets people know there is more in our world. Deeper and purer. Visual art, music, or any kind of art is a step and an opportunity for a peaceful life in society. It should be practiced more to let energies flow.