The Artist behind Lisa Ante Arts. Vienna
Lisa Ante Pangan, professional IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) Nurse and a fresh enthusiastic Artist who has a flair for Infused Art.
The stories behind my artwork revolve around EmbryoArt and DiasporaArt.
And then later I discovered CoffeePainting in its uniqueness.
Giving back to affected couples and paying tribute to the IVF journey by expressing through art that an embryo has lived. Showing gratitude for life through my FlowerEmbryoArt.
A personal approach to the Filipino Culture captured piece by piece through what defines me: farewells, memories and emotional worlds.
Through the sepia effect the pictures seem like embodiments of our memories. On top of that, it’s amazing what you can do with such a natural thing as coffee, that is easily accessible and used.
Coffee Painting Workshop
Coffee as a medium is an ideal way to bridge Filipino and Austrian (coffee) cultures. In my workshops, I draw on knowledge from both coffee cultures to create a connection. This allows people to connect through art and build relationships through creativity. This is my contribution to fostering better interactions among multiple cultures and making the Filipino culture visible.
Coffeepainting has not only brought the inner creative out but has also become a popular way to bond with your group of friends or colleagues. You can book your team building, community building or shop event with me.